Landmark Baptist Church
The family is what we are about at Landmark. Landmark Baptist is a family integrated church, with all ages worshipping together in song, prayer, giving, and fellowship. When you attend Landmark you can expect to find a warm welcome by people who love the Lord and will love you. You can expect to hear the uncompromised truth of the Bible in every sermon and lesson. You can participate in conservative style music as we worship the Lord with Christ-honoring songs of praise. You can join in times of prayer for the needs of others as well as present your own needs. You can experience the joy of answered prayers and hear testimonies of what God is doing in the lives of people. You can be confident that what God has done for others, He can do for you.
Live Nativity
December 10, 2022 | 6:00-8:00 PM
940 E. Drybread Ln. Nineveh, IN
Everyone is invited to drive by and enjoy the portrayal of the birth of Christ.
Movie Night!
A Night at the Nativity
JOIN US FOR A FREE MOVIE NIGHT Friday, December 16 at 7:00pm
Meet with Us
Sunday Morning
10:04 am
Where To Find Us
Prince's Lakes Town Hall
14 E. Lakeview Drive
Nineveh, IN 46164
Meet the Pastor
Pastor Johnson has been in the Gospel ministry for 48 years. He graduated from the Missionary Baptist Seminary and Institute in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has served as Associate Pastor and Minister of Youth and Music for Victory Baptist Church in Sherwood, Arkansas, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in McCrory, Arkansas and is currently the bi-vocational Pastor of Landmark Baptist Church.
Pastor Johnson met and married Lee Ann, the woman of his dreams, in Sherwood, Arkansas. They recently celebrated 44 wonderful years together. Some of his hobbies and interests are gardening, hiking with Lee Ann, singing with his family and enjoying time with his grandkids. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the Bible in a way that is clearly understandable and can be practically applied to the lives of the church family.